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Your Colours first opened its doors in 1984 and, since then, our Image Consultants have been helping the men and women of Perth to discover their own unique colours and styles combination based on skin tone, eye colour, hair colour and body proportions. We are passionate about helping people to look and feel beautiful and discover a new confidence to go out and achieve their goals.

Our makeover journey begins with our signature Colour Analysis consultation (2 hours) where we demonstrate which colours suit you the best, how to spot the subtle differences in colour tones and how mixing and matching colours creates a complete wardrobe. We include a full make-up application in 'your' colours using make-up from Your Colours Cosmetics. You take home a goody bag with your seasonal colour swatch plus more information to assist on your styling journey. 

Our Styles consultation (2 1/2 hours) comes next. Our consultant will establish your style personality and determine which styles and cuts of clothing suit you the best using our signature styles assessment method. We also cover accessories, hairstyles based on face shape, fabric types and density of prints and you take home a customised styles booklet.

Our third service is our wardrobe edit service (4 hours) which includes a customised wardrobe booklet.

Our fourth service is the icing on the cake - our Personal Shopping Experience where you get to see all you have learned in action and shop with our expert personal shopper who will either find you a brand new wardrobe or shop for the garments to complete your wardrobe.


Debbie Weetman

P: (08) 9325 2865



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Your Colours Cosmetics began almost 40 years ago as a salon exclusive brand of mineral make-up. It was customised to match the four seasonal colour palettes and complimented the colour analysis consultations delivered by the Your Colours Personal Styling Salon.

 In 2020, inspired by the health conscious society we live in, I increased our range of cosmetics to include a new collection of Australian made, cruelty-free make-up manufactured almost entirely from naturally derived, pure minerals or certified organic ingredients or both. Our make-up is perfect for the most sensitive of skin types and aligns with the general movement towards natural, sustainable products without the artificial additives commonplace in previous decades.

 Each new collection was inspired by an element of West Australian nature then cross referenced with the seasonal colour palettes. Despite WA’s arid landscape, its colours are raw, deep and contain the spirit of an ancient land providing a huge canvas of shades and tones to work with. The result is an extensive choice of face, eye and lip products.


Debbie Weetman

P: (08) 9325 2865



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